Debating Workshop - Year 7
Prior to the Debating Competition commencing, a Debating Workshop is held each year for Year 7 students as an introduction to debating. At this workshop the students are involved in the following:
gaining information about the rules, roles and expectations of debating
receiving input from experienced debaters about speaker roles
engaging in debates to refine their skills and strategies, and gain feedback from experienced adjudicators
Debating Competition: Years 7, 8, 9 & 10
The Debating Competition is held for students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 in all M.I.S.A. schools. Each school is placed in one of two zones and participates in a round robin format. The teams with the highest points in each zone, for each grade, will meet in Semi Finals and then the Grand Final to determine the M.I.S.A. Debating Champion Schools.